• All
  • Budget-friendly
  • Experiences
  • Monetary
  • Fitness
  • Benefits-based

Certificate Of Participation

Certificates for participating in a wellness challenge provide employees with a tangible item to reflect their accomplishment as well as something they can share with others by posting it in their workspace. Who knew a piece of paper could make such an impact?!


Time With Leadership

It is often difficult for employees to find time to interact with company leadership outside of formal work settings. With personal and professional development being a high priority for top performers, this prize provides lots of motivation. It also fosters community by building connections throughout all levels of the company.



Vacations make people happy and improve health and performance. According to Scientific American, "downtime replenishes the brain's stores of attention and motivation" and "encourages productivity and creativity." SuiteBreak provides participants with Wellness Dollars to reduce the cost of hotels, resorts, cruise lines, car rentals, and activities. Employees enjoy prices lower than what can be found through every major travel site. Employers can give each participant $1,200 in Wellness Dollars for less than $25.00 per employee per year.


Public Recognition

Saying "congrats" to wellness winners publicly doesn't cost a thing but hearing it can mean a great deal to an employee, especially if senior leadership is involved. This free reward can drive wellness program engagement without costing a thing.


Catered Lunch

By providing a healthy catered lunch as a prize, employers stand to gain a great deal of benefits. Not only is food a great motivator, but the event also provides an opportunity for colleagues to connect with each other, building meaningful relationships that improve the health and productivity of the organization. Also, having a catered lunch in the office brings additional awareness to the program, especially for those that did not participate.


Event Tickets

Many employers have access to tickets to sporting events, concerts, and other local experiences. These tickets are coveted by employees, and since they are already purchased, do not require additional budget. Rather than giving out event tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis, have employees improve their health to qualify for them!


Chair Massage

Treat employees with a gift that keeps giving! Since chair massages have been shown to be effective treatment for reducing stress, pain, and muscle tension, this reward delivers health benefits in addition to motivating engagement in challenges. Similar to catered lunches, onsite chair massages also bring additional awareness to the program, especially for those that did not participate.


Meal Delivery Service

A great way to reward healthy behaviors is to encourage even healthier ones! Meal delivery services help employees eat healthy at home by providing them with pre-portioned ingredients and detailed cooking instructions each week. Provide employees with a few weeks of a meal delivery services as a prize. Once they get hooked, they can renew subscription on their own, continuing the healthy benefits of home cooking.


Corporate Discounts

Corporate discounts provide real savings, and due to certain limitations, employers may not be able to make these benefits available to everyone. Provide employees with exclusive discounts to popular goods and services as a way to affordably provide "monetary" rewards. Every time an employee uses a discount, they will have extra dollars in their wallet!


Team Building Experiences

From scavenger hunts to bowling, employees love to participate in fun events, especially with colleagues they have meaningful relationships with. A fun team event is a great prize for employers wanting to promote social interactions and teamwork amongst employees. It is also a great way to expand horizons by exposing employees to activities they may not have otherwise tried.


Gift Cards

Use electronic gift cards powered by Tango to give employees the ultimate freedom to spend their hard-earned wellness reward on any item they would like. These highly motivating rewards let employees envision the prize of their dreams as they work to improve their health and well-being.


Snappy Gifts

With Snappy Gifts, employees can choose an item from a collection of curated physical goods, with the option for employers to customize the available options to only include wellness-related items. Prices are not shown, and employees will only see options within their budget, allowing them to choose a reward not based on price but on actual needs/interests. The gift redemption process is designed to be a fun, interactive experience that makes the selection process easy and exciting. Snappy is available to both domestic and international employers.


Wearable Devices

Wearable devices, such as Fitbit and Garmin, make healthy living easy and fun. By offering wearable device coupons as program rewards, employees can select from a range of already discounted wearable devices and choose the one that is most aligned with their lifestyle and health goals. Devices are shipped directly to the purchaser for free, and employees can use their prize in their next challenge.


Company Swag

Employers appreciate company swag because it allows a company's best asset (their people) to promote the brand and business. It only makes sense to integrate a wellness program, which is designed to improve the health and productivity of an organization's people, with goods that allow those people to promote the company. Also, company swag that is already purchased will not require additional budget. Employers can also make wellness program-specific swag to promote their commitment to employee health.


Wellness Goods

Wellness goods range from healthy kitchen items, such as juicers, blenders, and yogurt makers, to clinical equipment, such as scales and blood pressure monitors. These prizes ensure the rewards budget goes to facilitating healthy living. Employees can use the reward to purchase discounted wellness goods from Wellable's partner, Invite Fitness.


Fitness Memberships

This reward provides an alternative to offering every employee a gym reimbursement subsidy or discounted/free access to a specific facility. By participating in a challenge and qualifying for a prize, an employee can receive a subsidy or free months to a fitness center or program, such as ClassPass. For a continuous program, an employee can earn the reward by utilizing the fitness membership that is being subsidized.


Premium App Subscriptions

Nutrition apps such as MyFitnessPal and mindfulness/meditation apps such as Headspace operate on a freemium model. That is, certain features require users to pay for a premium account. This reward allows employees to enjoy the full benefits these apps have to offer by providing premium access as a prize. Like many of the reward options, this allows the reward budget to be invested back into employee health.


Charitable Contributions

A Harvard Business School study found that empowering employees to support causes of their choice is more satisfying than receiving a bonus. This reward allows employees to give back to causes they support while working on living a healthier life. Employers can contribute directly to charities or use a Wellable partner, GlobalGiving, to allow employees to receive a gift card that can be used to fund more than 3,000 charities/projects across the world.


Payroll Contributions (Cash)

Wellable works with employers to provide cash contributions via payroll as rewards for wellness programs. This automated process makes the distribution of prizes simple and easy and includes applying appropriate tax adjustments to the prize amounts.


Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA)

A Lifestyle Spending Account helps organizations manage employee benefits by providing a one-time or recurring stipend. Employees earn credit by engaging in a wellness program and redeem funds in a virtual marketplace or by requesting reimbursement for eligible expenses.


401(k) Distributions

Financial health and wellness continues to become an area of focus for employers. This reward allows organizations to integrate their wellness program, which likely focuses on more traditional forms of well-being, with their most significant instrument for employee financial health. By participating in their wellness program, employees increase their personal savings and financial security.


Paid Time Off (PTO)

Every employee needs time to detach from work to recharge and replenish. Some years, employees need extra time off to meet personal obligations. By offering PTO as a reward, employers allow employees to reinvest in their health and well-being through vacations, time with friends and family, and opportunities to manage their lives outside of work.


Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

FSA contributions earned through wellness program participation allows employees to bank funds that they can use to manage other aspects of their health and wellness needs, from clinical visits to personal care goods and services. It is a great way to link a reward budget to health benefits and ensure employees do not defer care because of costs.


Health Savings Account (HSA)

Health savings accounts are a great way to link a rewards budget to health benefits as well as promote financial well-being. Employees can use the funds they earn to cover medical expenses that arise as part of the high-deductible health plan, and since the funds rollover, they can also serve as a tax-deferred retirement option. Check out the wellness program HSA Health Plan built for its members, which allows them to earn $1 per day (up to $20 per month) in HSA contributions.


Premium Differential

For employees who have a portion of their wages deducted to pay for their share of a health insurance premium, this reward allows them to lower that financial burden by participating in a wellness program. By completing certain healthy behaviors and hitting certain goals, employees can increase their take home pay.