
Ninety percent of organizations have solidified their return-to-office (RTO) strategy, seeking to recapture a sense of normalcy and foster in-person collaboration. However, this move has been met with pushback from employees, who are reluctant to give up the freedom and flexibility that remote work offers.

This ongoing debate presents human resources professionals with a challenge: crafting a return-to-office strategy that aligns organizational goals with the changing expectations of the workforce. Here are some actionable insights and strategies to ensure a balanced approach to RTO.


Pressed for time? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Determining return-to-office model: Return-to-office strategies should align with both the company’s mission and diverse employee needs, considering factors like job roles, teamwork requirements, and individual preferences for remote or in-office work.
  • Flexibility & inclusivity: Offering a range of spaces within the office (e.g., collaboration areas and quiet zones) and implementing flexible work models (e.g., freeform hybrid model or flexible work hours) accommodates various working styles.
  • Navigating employee concerns: Addressing the financial implications of commuting, childcare responsibilities, and mental health challenges shows responsiveness to employee needs during the return-to-office transition.
  • Maintaining employee trust and morale: Through transparent communication, team activities, ongoing recognition, and adaptability from leadership, companies can sustain positive employee relations during return-to-office adjustments.  

How To Build Your Organization’s Return-To-Office Plan

Identify RTO Policies

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to returning to the office, and your RTO policy should reflect the unique needs of your organization. Here are three types of return-to-office policies you could implement:

  • Optional return-to-office: For roles where in-person work is not essential, offering employees the choice to work from the office or remotely can maximize employee satisfaction and autonomy. It can also reduce office space requirements, lowering overhead costs for the organization. 
  • Hybrid return-to-office: Hybrid work arrangements blend in-office and remote work to offer the best of both worlds. This model acknowledges the benefits of remote work—flexibility, work-life balance, and reduced commuting—while retaining the advantages of in-person interactions, such as boosted collaboration and team cohesion.
  • Full-time return-to-office: In industries that rely on physical presence, such as manufacturing or laboratory work, full-time in-office work is often required. Full-time RTO can also be beneficial for organizations aiming to foster a strong in-office culture or if managing a remote workforce has proven challenging.
Finding The Right RTO Plan For Your Organization

Assessing Employee Needs

Before cementing a return-to-office plan, conduct an employee survey to tap into the workforce’s preferences and concerns. Sample questions could include:

  • “How many days per week would you prefer to work from the office?” 
  • “What concerns do you have about returning to the office?” 
  • “What aspects of remote work would you like to retain?” 

While it’s important to give special consideration to managers’ insights, it’s equally crucial to weigh the opinions of each employee. Organizations should use feedback to guide decisions or clearly explain why some suggestions aren’t feasible. This ensures the return-to-office process is meaningful, promoting employee satisfaction and retention while maximizing performance and productivity.

Implementing A Flexible & Inclusive Approach

Implementing A Flexible & Inclusive Approach

Recognizing that employees have varying needs, circumstances, and preferences, consider providing flexible options. Within hybrid work arrangements, this can involve:

  • Implementing a freeform hybrid model, which has a set number of required days at the office while giving employees the autonomy to choose their in-office days  
  • Allowing flexible work hours  
  • Offering the possibility of fully remote work when necessary  

By adopting flexibility and inclusivity as core values, organizations can create a return-to-office plan that is understanding and empathetic to all workers. An insightful quote from a Perkins & Will article reflects on these principles:

Employees will not have the same comfort level about returning to an office environment. Employees will not have the same ability to return [based on]: availability of childcare, reduced public transportation services, the need to care for others and the increased risk due to health conditions. The message must be clear that it is ok to defer your return and no reason is needed.

Balancing Employee Preferences & Business Requirements

The return-to-office plan should align with the company’s purpose and objectives. Understanding the organizational culture and business requirements ensures that the plan supports the existing work environment. Factors such as flexibility, autonomy, and the nature of employees’ tasks play a significant role in determining the need for a return-to-office plan and who it applies to.

Balancing Employee Preferences & Business Requirements

Consider these examples:

  • Employee A is a software developer who primarily works independently and requires minimal in-person collaboration with others. Their tasks involve coding, debugging, and testing software applications.

Employee A could work remotely given the high level of flexibility and autonomy in completing their tasks. They can maintain productivity and effectiveness while working remotely, leveraging technology for communication, and coming into the office as needed.

  • Employee B is a project manager responsible for overseeing a team of designers and coordinating client interactions. Their role requires frequent collaboration, face-to-face meetings, and hands-on coordination to ensure project success.

Employee B should return-to-office to effectively communicate with team members, provide guidance, resolve issues in real time, and maintain a strong connection with clients. The nature of their tasks necessitates in-person interaction, making it more suitable for them to return-to-office.

Optimizing Tech For Return-To-Office

Within a hybrid setup, tools like project management software, video conferencing, and shared digital workspaces are foundational. Provide training for these tools, promoting both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration. Regular feedback from employees can help refine these tech solutions for better efficiency.

Optimizing Tech And Security For Return-To-Office


The shift to a hybrid model often means an increase in the number of devices accessing the company’s network remotely, which can pose cybersecurity risks. HR, in collaboration with IT, should implement and communicate key security protocols, including:

  • Secure VPN access
  • Regular updates and robust passwords  
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Training on recognizing security threats

Additionally, create clear policies for using personal devices to ensure they’re secure for work purposes.

Navigating Employee Concerns & Return-To-Office Challenges 

Addressing employees’ return-to-office concerns ensures a smooth transition and demonstrates responsiveness to the workforce’s needs.

Financial Concerns

Financial Concerns

A common complaint for workers is the financial strain caused by returning to the office multiple times per week. The costs of commuting, office attire, daily lunches, and more add up, with some employees reporting spending between 20% and 30% of their paychecks to return-to-office. Many face a recurring cost of over $100 per week for required in-person work.

To alleviate this strain, offer solutions such as free or subsidized parking and complimentary or subsidized lunches. Additionally, suggest cost-saving strategies like meal-prepping and purchase waiting periods.

Childcare/Dependent Care

Some employees face the challenge of balancing a return-to-office with childcare or dependent care responsibilities. Support measures can include:  

Consider lifestyle spending accounts (LSAs) for a versatile solution to support employees’ unique needs during the return-to-office transition. LSAs empower employees to allocate funds according to their individual needs, demonstrating an organization’s commitment to their well-being and satisfaction.

Mental Well-Being

Mental Well-Being

A return-to-office involves dealing with a range of stressors, from commuting anxieties and adapting to office routines to the balance between work and personal life. These challenges call for mental health support and flexible accommodations in the workplace.

Employers can implement measures to support mental well-being such as:

  • Conducting one-on-one mental health check-ins  
  • Partnerships with therapy and counseling services  
  • Organizing wellness activities like meditation and mindfulness exercises

5 Tips For A Successful Return-to-Office Strategy

Navigating the return-to-office transition can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be an opportunity to strengthen your organization. By focusing on key strategies that address both operational needs and employee well-being, you can create a smooth and positive return-to-office experience. Here are five essential tips to ensure a successful return-to-office strategy that fosters engagement, productivity, and trust.

1. Practice Open Communication

Open Communication Is Key

Prioritize transparency by sharing the rationale behind the return-to-office plan and providing regular updates about the process. Welcoming feedback through open forums and frequent check-ins ensures employees feel like active participants in the process rather than reluctant subjects. Employers that adapt their strategies accordingly demonstrate authentic care for employees.

2. Focus On Rebuilding Connection 

The return-to-office period presents an opportunity to rebuild connections within the team and integrate new hires into the company culture. This involves:  

  • Organizing team-building activities
  • Hosting virtual coffee breaks or casual catch-up sessions
  • Implementing a buddy system for new hires
  • Scheduling periodic all-hands meetings or departmental check-ins

3. Emphasize Employee Recognition

Emphasize Employee Recognition

Acknowledge employees’ contributions and adaptability during the return-to-office transition and beyond. Celebrating accomplishments in team meetings, company-wide communications, or dedicated events can reinforce a culture of appreciation and boost employee morale.

4. Design The Office With Intent

Prioritizing employee experience ensures the office becomes a space that workers are genuinely excited to return to. Curate an environment that is welcoming, functional, and conducive to different working styles by incorporating: 

  • Comfortable and ergonomic furniture 
  • A mix of collaboration zones and quiet areas 
  • Natural lighting and plants 
  • Wellness rooms such as a fitness center or meditation space 
Design The Office With Intent

5. Lead With Integrity

Leaders set the tone for how the organization’s values align with the return-to-office plan. If a company promotes flexibility but imposes a rigid RTO policy without considering individual needs, the organization’s integrity may come into question. Similarly, if leaders don’t adhere to the same policies they expect from employees, it can erode trust. To maintain integrity and build confidence, leadership must:

  • Set a positive example by following the return-to-office policy
  • Demonstrate empathy and understanding toward employees’ concerns
  • Accommodate individual needs and be flexible to unique circumstances

This article was last updated on June 24, 2024

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